Cuban Heritage: "Legal" Cohiba Cigars Reviewed

EASTON, PA - Cigar Advisor, the nation's premiere online cigar magazine, proudly serves cigar enthusiasts with a uniquely down-to-earth perspective on the enjoyment of premium cigars. The magazine has released a top-to-bottom brand overview of Dominican-made Cohiba cigars, one of the most popular premium cigar brands available in the United States. The Report is titled "The Essential Cohiba Cigars Tasting Guide" and contains full-length cigar reviews by each of the Cigar Advisor Editors.

"I think a lot of brand extensions sometimes get confusing," says Marcus Strom, Strategic Account Manager at General Cigar, the parent company of Cohiba cigars. "'What's the difference?' That's a question I hear frequently; so the Cigar Advisors' Cohiba buying guide really helps spell out the differences in Cohiba blends and taste profiles." And according to each of the four editors, there really are four very different profiles to the Cohiba cigars currently available in the U.S. cigar market: Cohiba Red Dot, Cohiba Nicaragua, Cohiba Black, and Cohiba Macassar.

"One of the most popular cigar brands out there."

Advisor and Managing Editor John Pullo notes the strong name recognition of Cohiba, and says it's almost become the epitome of both luxury cigars and Dominican smokes: "There are thousands of brands on the market; but for whatever reason, this one - Cohiba - is often the brand that non-smokers think of when they hear the word 'cigar.' Or they'll ask you - 'hey, is that a Cohiba?'" He notes that the versions made in the D.R. vary in comparison to Cuban Cohibas. "Completely different contents, but these Non-Cuban Cohibas have become very desirable for their own reasons." Pullo contributes a review of the Cohiba Red Dot, the original Dominican Cohiba that was a widespread favorite among American cigar enthusiasts by the 1990s. Executive Editor Gary Korb sampled the Cohiba Black, which he described as smooth, creamy and sweet; "You won't find many cigars with U.S. Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers of this quality, either," Gary writes. Fred Lunt, Advisor copywriter tested Cohiba Nicaragua - "considered a full-bodied luxury smoke by most, yet it certainly isn't overpowering." Cohiba Macassar is the brand's most exclusive cigar, which Tommy Zman Zarzecki noted having a peppery scent, and very complex flavors: "after smoking it, I'll bet the needle on your satisfaction meter is at its high point."

To see more of the Advisors' Cohiba cigars tasting notes, as well as the details on the blending and performance of the four non-Cuban Cohibas in the Tasting Guide, go to

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Cigar Advisor magazine is a digital publication created by, and for, real cigar enthusiasts. The Editors strive every day to accomplish three goals: welcome novices to the hobby of cigar smoking with advice and open arms; share their tobacco-rich lifestyle with good friends and veteran smokers alike; and profess their love for a good smoke with cigar enthusiasts of all stripes, from around the world. Cigar smokers are a passionate bunch - and whether it is food, drink, sports or cigars they're fanatical about, Cigar Advisor shares those passions with a razor-sharp edge. Find that passion and more on display at

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