Online, March 24, 2017 ( - EASTON, PA - Famous Smoke Shop, the leading online distributor of discounted premium cigars, specializing in offering the web's widest selection of cigars at the lowest prices has just announced the arrival of the Davidoff Famous 75th Anniversary cigar. Blended exclusively for Famous Smoke Shop, this limited edition cigar, of which only 500 boxes were produced, is offered in one size, a 6" x 50 Toro format with a secondary band that reads: "75 Years of Famous Smoke Shop," and is sure to become a collector's item.
The Davidoff Famous 75th Anniversary cigar is one of several special editions made for Famous Smoke Shop by some of the world's leading cigar manufacturers to honor the retailer's 75th year in business, including Romeo y Julieta, and Padrón cigars, with more in the works.
"Everything about this cigar is special," said Jim Charnley, Famous Smoke Shop's Director of Purchasing & Merchandising. "Davidoff and Famous have always stood for offering cigar smokers the very best in quality and selection, and being a Davidoff Appointed Merchant, we're proud to have a limited edition Davidoff cigar we can now call our own."
The cigar offers a full-flavored blend of specially-aged long-fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua embraced by a Mexican San Andrés Negro binder, and finished in a flawless, dark-natural Habano wrapper grown in Ecuador. The smoke, itself, issues notes of earthy berries, cocoa, cedar, and spice on a long and luxuriously creamy finish.
Davidoff Famous 75th Anniversary cigars are presented in varnished boxes of 10 cigars with specially designed interiors that pay recognition to Famous Smoke Shop.
"Smooth, with a mellow bite - right in my wheelhouse," said John Pullo, Managing Editor for "The chance to sit and enjoy a smoke like this Davidoff comes along once in a lifetime - glad this 75th Anniversary happened during mine."
"I want to thank everyone at Davidoff for the great job on this 75th Anniversary presentation," added Famous Smoke Shop CEO, Arthur Zaretsky. "My parents, David and Rose, who opened Famous Smoke Shop in 1939, would have been very honored."
Davidoff Famous 75th Anniversary Cigar
Strength: Full
Size: 6" x 50
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
Filler: Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
Binder: Mexican San Andrés Negro
Prices (MSRP): $220.00/box of 10, $110.00/5-pack, $22.00/cigar
See more information on Davidoff Famous 75th Anniversary cigars here.
About Famous Smoke Shop
Famous Smoke Shop is the nation's #1 discount retailer of premium cigars online, offering one of the largest selections of handmade cigars, machine-made cigars, cigar humidors and accessories. Famous offers the web's lowest prices on a wide selection of cigar brands including Acid, Davidoff, Macanudo, Romeo y Julieta, Ashton, Padron, Oliva and Perdomo cigars, and many more. Famous offers their customers the best prices on all premium cigars as well as friendly and knowledgeable customer service.
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