Famous Smoke Shop and Cigar Advisor Release the Ultimate Guide to Acid Cigars

Guide to Acid Cigars

A Visual, User-Friendly Tour of the World's Most Popular Infused Premium Cigars

To commemorate 20 years of Drew Estate Acid Cigars, Cigar Advisor, the #1 online magazine for cigar smokers, and Famous Smoke Shop, the nation's #1 retailer of premium cigars online, have compiled a free, easy-to-use color-coded chart that highlights the attributes of each cigar offered in the Acid Cigars brand. 

"Typically, when we publish one of our Brand Review Guides, we write individual accounts about each cigar that brand offers," said John Pullo, Cigar Advisor managing editor. "But there's much more to Acid – seven different infusion recipes and a number of different wrapper tobaccos. All of those options can be confusing, especially for new cigar smokers. So we set out to decode the differences among Acid blends and found that the best way to communicate this information was through this infographic.” He notes the various color-coded categories of Acid cigars on the chart, spanning the color palette from Blue and Purple to Red, Orange and Silver. “The color of the cigar band represents the intensity of the infusion. Each blend uses a different mix of herbs, oils and botanicals, so each of the Acid colors have different nuances – and give a different kind of cigar smoking experience.” 

Thirty-four cigars in total are detailed in the guide, and each cigar makes up one spoke of the wheel. Below each cigar, information is provided on the size, wrapper leaf and body characteristics: mellow, medium or full. General flavor information for each group is presented inside the wheel, calling out each color option’s unique characteristics. By comparing differences and similarities among the blends, John believes Famous Smoke Shop presents a complete snapshot of Acid Cigars. “Our goal is to help a cigar smoker decide ‘Which Acid is right for me?’ By visualizing the differences among these cigars, we can help answer that question.”

Kevin Beck, Famous Smoke Shop graphic designer, created the guide. "There were some challenges to create this for sure," he says. "We wanted this guide to be both visually striking and informative. Everything had to reside within a single image so that it could serve as a deep dive into the brand, while providing the feel and speed of a quick-reference guide."

"The result is far better than anticipated," says Pullo. "We’re sure the guide will be a valuable resource both to Acid fans and budding cigar enthusiasts looking to dive into Drew Estate’s hugely popular line of infused cigars." 

The Guide to Acid Cigars will be available to read online at Famous Smoke Shop and will also be available in a downloadable PDF format.

See the Guide to Acid Cigars here: https://www.famous-smoke.com/acid-cigars

About Famous Smoke Shop 

Famous Smoke Shop is the nation’s #1 discount retailer of premium cigars online, offering one of the largest selections of handmade cigars, machine-made cigars, cigar humidors and accessories. Famous offers the web’s lowest prices on a wide selection of cigar brands including Acid, Davidoff, Macanudo, Romeo y Julieta, Ashton, Padron, Oliva and Perdomo cigars, and many more. Famous offers its customers the best prices on all premium cigars as well as friendly and knowledgeable customer service.

Famous Smoke Shop 
90 Mort Drive
Easton, PA 18040

Source: Famous Smoke Shop


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