Online, February 1, 2017 ( - EASTON, PA - Cigar Advisor, the nation's premiere online cigar magazine, proudly serves cigar enthusiasts with a uniquely down-to-earth perspective on the enjoyment of premium cigars. The magazine has just released a new CA Report for January 2017 titled, "Best Buys: My Top 10 Nicaraguan Cigars Under $5," authored by copywriter Fred Lunt. This new report is a buying guide for the premium cigar smoker on a budget; a hand selected list of the top 10 cigars, made in Nicaragua, for under $5.
Acting as a guide to cigar buying, this list seeks to help cigar enthusiasts who appreciate the spicy flavors of Nicaraguan tobacco, with budget friendliness in mind. "There are no bad cigars -- only better ones", Fred declares, "but many critics, myself included, will agree that Nicaragua produces some of the best premium cigars you can lay your hands on." Fred points to the Cigar Aficionado Top 25 Cigars of 2016 as evidence: twelve of the top 25 cigars featured are manufactured in Nicaragua, including Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro, Padron, Drew Estate's Herrera Esteli Norteño, and A.J. Fernandez, among others.
Fred's report delves briefly into the history of the Nicaraguan tobacco industry, describing the transition from cigarettes to premium cigars as a tale "full of intrigue" -- including civil war, devastating hurricanes, crop-wiping infestations, and fires among the many setbacks faced by Nicaraguan tobacco farmers. These hindrances, notes Fred, were not limited to one plantation, but affected every manufacturer among Nicaragua's premier cigar families including Padron, Plasencia, Oliva, and Bermejo. "Perseverance and hard work has really paid off," he writes. "Despite those setbacks, Nicaraguan cigars are now among the most popular selections on the cigar shop shelves today."
Many of the cigars featured in Fred's report have been critically acclaimed and highly rated, with a few lesser-known hidden gems as a treat for the reader. "I've featured some old staples, as well as some potentially new ones that I think will impress, including the highly favored Brick House Corona Larga, CAO Gold, La Gloria Cubana Serie R, and Oliva Serie G Special G," says Lunt.
The Brick House Corona Larga has ranked among the best in the Aficionado poll, winning the No. 17 spot in 2016's rankings and hailed as "a solid, every day kind of a cigar." The blend features Nicaraguan fillers with a rich Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper -- which Fred adds, "bring a creamy fullness to this delicious smoke. Hints of earthiness and red pepper spice transition into deep woods and nutty flavors."
To see the full list of featured cigars in the "Best Buys: My Top 10 Nicaraguan Cigars Under $5," go to
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Cigar Advisor magazine is a digital publication created by, and for, real cigar enthusiasts. The Editors strive every day to accomplish three goals: welcome novices to the hobby of cigar smoking with advice and open arms; share their tobacco-rich lifestyle with good friends and veteran smokers alike; and profess their love for a good smoke with cigar enthusiasts of all stripes, from around the world. Cigar smokers are a passionate bunch -- and whether it is food, drink, sports or cigars they're fanatical about, Cigar Advisor shares those passions with a razor-sharp edge. Find that passion and more on display at
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