Online, November 8, 2015 (Newswire.com) - EASTON, PA - Cigar Advisor, the nation's premier online cigar magazine, proudly serves cigar enthusiasts with a uniquely down-to-earth perspective on the enjoyment of premium cigars. Well-known and highly regarded for providing acclaimed educational cigar content and behind-the-scenes industry articles from some of the business's top names, the Cigar Advisor editors deliver an array of content that speaks directly to those who enjoy the cigar lifestyle.
Knowledge is power: and like everything else in the world, the more you know about cigars and how to smoke them, the more likely you are to have a more enjoyable smoking experience overall. That's why we created this "Fan Mail" series... we want to remove all doubt and any obstacle you have getting between you and happy cigar time. After all, with our combined resources and cigar experience, it doesn't do anyone any good if we're not willing to share it. The ultimate in open door policies, we always make our inbox and Facebook page available to you if, and when, you have cigar questions -- and this next installment is proof that there are no dumb cigar questions.
Cigar Question #1: How to Calibrate a Hygrometer
I bought a new humidor last month. I followed the instructions for prepping it to the letter, but the hygrometer, a digital one, is reading way below 70%. The temperature is reading 71 degrees and I can tell by feeling the cigars that they are not dry. The hygrometer does not have a calibration button, but is there another way to calibrate it?
- Jay Blackstone in Tallahassee, Florida
Whether it's digital or analog, the best way to calibrate a hygrometer is by using a tried and true method that's been around as long as I can recall; it's called "the salt method" or "salt test." It's easy to do and works great. All you need are a few household items and some patience. There's also another way to do it that doesn't require as many steps, so, to see how I handled this question, watch the video now.
Cigar Question #2: What Tools Do I Need to Smoke Cigars?
I was asked not long ago by one of my cigar friends whether or not I thought he should get buy one of the cooler-looking cigar toys that are out there... and it got me thinking: what does a beginning cigar smoker really need to enjoy cigars? Hint: it isn't the fancy golf ball holders and 20 cigar/750ml flask combo. But that's what hooks us: cigars are fun, and we're so obsessed with them that we feel the irresistible urge to buy anything and everything fun that has to do with cigars. I'm guilty of it myself -- if it was cigar-related and looked cool, I had to have it... and that's why I own 6 cigar cases that I've never used. It's too bad, because they're really nice. So if you're new to cigars, check out this quick tip -- and focus on the basic cigar accessories you really need. To watch the video for more information on this question [Click Here]
Cigar Question #3: How Do I Choose My First Cigar?
Here's one for all you newbies out there. Or maybe it's for people who walk into brick and mortar shops and nearly crap your pants with pure fear when you see the thousands of cigars in front of you. It can be intimidating to pick out your first cigar, or ANY cigar for that matter. What do you pick? What's good? Will you like your selection, or did you just waste money on a garbage stick? All these questions probably fly violently around your head, but I'm going to let you in on the secret to picking out a cigar that you'll absolutely love. So change your dirty drawers and learn how to pick out your next cigar now! Check out the full video here.
Cigar Question #4: What Are the Relaxation and Meditation Benefits of Smoking Cigars?
An interesting question was sent to us from Billy in the Bronx, NY, who's new to cigars and wanted to know about the relaxing and supposed meditative effects that smoking a good stick can deliver. I'm a big believer in this idea, and I've written and talked about it many times in the past. Check out this short clip, and I'll give you my highlights on some of the more interesting and researched thoughts about cigar meditation.
About Cigar Advisor Magazine
Cigar Advisor magazine is a digital publication created by, and for, real cigar enthusiasts. The Editors strive every day to accomplish three goals: welcome novices to the hobby of cigar smoking with advice and open arms; share their tobacco-rich lifestyle with good friends and veteran smokers alike; and profess their love for a good smoke with cigar enthusiasts of all stripes, from around the world. Cigar smokers are a passionate bunch -- and whether it is food, drink, sports or cigars they're fanatical about, Cigar Advisor shares those passions with a razor-sharp edge. Find that passion and more on display at www.CigarAdvisor.com.
Image Available: www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2015/11/6/11G071048/Images/QUESTIONS-1-b4f27f18967080a89f9d506e0fe8cbae.jpg
Source URL: http://www.marketwired.com/mw/release.do?id=2071412&sourceType=3