The Rookie Cigar Smoker: Here's How NOT to Look Like One

Cigar Advisor is the world's premiere online magazine giving cigar lovers, new and old, the info they need to know about the lifestyle they enjoy. Cigar Advisor Editor at Large, Tommy Zman's newest piece helps out the rookies of the leaf with a plethora of tips and hints on how to hang with the pros without looking like an awkward newb.

EASTON, PA  - Cigar Advisor is the world's premiere online magazine giving cigar lovers, new and old, the info they need to know about the lifestyle they enjoy. Cigar Advisor Editor at Large, Tommy Zman's newest piece helps out the rookies of the leaf with a plethora of tips and hints on how to hang with the pros without looking like an awkward newb.

"We all want to fit in, it's just human nature to want to be accepted by the cool kids," says Tommy. Nobody wants to look like a neophyte, especially when lighting up with a bunch of accomplished cigar smokers. There certainly are proper ways to partake in the act of a premium hand rolled cigar, and yes, you don't want to look like a grade-A dumb-ash.

The article discuses a range of things that one who wants to expand his or her knowledge should know, including proper cutting, lighting and how to actually smoke a fine stick, as well as the different types of cigar tobacco, the equipment you need and the terminology used by leaf lovers, or "ci-jargon" as Zman refers to it..

Best of all, the author has compiled a nice little collection of highly informative Cigar Advisor YouTube videos and articles that will be most helpful to not only the rookies, but the accomplished smokers will find useful as well.

If you're interested in learning more about this great hobby, click here to view the article now.

About Cigar Advisor Magazine:

Cigar Advisor magazine is a digital publication created by, and for, real cigar enthusiasts. The Editors strive every day to accomplish three goals: welcome novices to the hobby of cigar smoking with advice and open arms; share their tobacco-rich lifestyle with good friends and veteran smokers alike; and profess their love for a good smoke with cigar enthusiasts of all stripes, from around the world. Cigar smokers are a passionate bunch -- and whether it is food, drink, sports or cigars they're fanatical about, Cigar Advisor shares those passions with a razor-sharp edge. Find that passion and more on display at

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